Paranormal Activity in a Patents Room "Lois Higgs "at Waverly Hills

2 years ago

Lois Higgs. Lois passed away from tuberculosis in 1956. Numerous EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) sessions have supposedly captured messages from her. Investigators and tour patrons regularly leave flowers in memory of the woman. A fresh bouquet of roses was present beneath several photocopied pictures of the woman. I noticed a bit of soreness and discomfort in my right arm and shoulder as the guide spoke.

We walked across the hallway into the next room. This was a small, miserable room with one small, boarded-up window. The guide pointed out that sunlight and fresh air was once thought a prime adversary of TB, thus the solariums all over the building. These dark rooms were where patients were taken when the medical staff had given up hope for them. Even before the guide had told us the nature of the tomb-like rooms, I noticed my heart rate quicken as I entered.

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