Icons, Symbolism, Logos, Quantum Psience

2 years ago

*Warning* *Disclaimer* #TriggerWarning This is artistic expression. There's a point in the video when children, elders, and the emotionally unstable may want to stop watching, due to the nature of this challenge to the fundamental levels of reality and human psychology. Fundamental kinds of stuff that, when altered, have significant subliminal and negative effect on society-at-large.

Gonna see some of those alterations in this video. These images challenge what the eye sees vs what that brain sees, plus maybe see some humor in all of this FTW.

#HiddenHistory 1986 recording of Hopi Elder explains meaning of "Tilted Symbol of Life" around the 12-minute mark here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClQITTf1144

One of many, explanation of numbers 3, 6, 9 https://www.bitchute.com/video/yyV9BCWHQrx9/

Version of Blind Melon's "Three is the magic number" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVnQmNMgZ3U

Gridkeeper Channel Tim "Tony Stark" Rifat on Egyptian tech, math, "4D" physics https://bit.ly/3yrQ9JG

"Life's Too Short" https://bit.ly/3IqudDq


+I'm wrong about the Ankh in this video! After learning more, I've updated my view and admitted, I stand corrected in sight of new information in this video https://rumble.com/v1oubwt-i-was-wrong-about-the-ankh-oooh-now-i-get-it.html

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