The day Tuppy came to us-3 yo standardbred filly, heavily pregnant, purchased from horse meat dealer

4 years ago

Tuppy was born 29/9/2014, a standardbred, also known as a trotter or pacer, she was never given a name. She is listed as deceased

She was impregnated over a fence by a stallion as a two year old - rising three year old, due to being paddocked beside stallions.

I purchased Tuppy for $800 from a horse meat dealer that exports horse meat for human consumption. She was heavily pregnant, underweight and covered in whip and bite marks, and in fact had and still has permanent whip marks.

She had injuries to her back legs that look like they were never treated. She was scared of people and would turn her butt to us. We could not touch her.
We bought her from a horse meat dealer, also known as a dogger, that was sends their horses across an entire Australian state a long haul to be slaughtered by a notorious abattoir that was featured in an undercover documentary that was made since owning Tuppy.

People told me to get her put down, that she was dangerous, she kicked and injured many horses and was capable of double barreling a person. She was very difficult to handle, we could not do her feet. In fact I could not touch her at first.

She didn't know how to eat hard feed, carrots or apples (they were to come later) and I started by brushing her cheek while she was eating. I would sit on a chair beside her.

After several years, this horse has proven to be my most dear and loyal horse. This is the beginning of her story with us.

This is a video playlist with the video of the horse meat industry of discarded race horses in Australia

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