Exposing Your Pathological Inner Critic

1 year ago

As you navigate through life, there is a common obstacle we all share. It’s an antagonistic part of ourselves which can easily be mistaken as an inner guide & protector from harm.

Psychology calls this your pathological inner critic.

Your P.I.C. can be seen as your personal villain that blames you for everything & anything that goes wrong in your life. It compares you to others, it sets unrealistic standards on baseless perfectionism, & continually encourages you to beat yourself up for the smallest things.

Your pathological inner critic is always undermining your self worth.

It is no doubt a part of each of us, but our will to accept it & settle for continual suffering is a choice. And where we have a choice is how we choose to manage it. This is a lot easier said than done.

To learn about our methods of how to overcome your pathological inner critic, visit us at FeelDifferent.com/programs.

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#standstrong #orlandoowen #feeldifferent

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