More Good News from the Supreme Court

2 years ago

Among the various governmental injunctions in our country, there are laws and regulations. Of the two, laws are the most powerful. These are rules made by the state legislature for a society to follow, and that are in force over long periods of time. A regulation, by contrast, is the interpretation of a law made by a government agency (akin to a President's executive order). Oftentimes, such regulations do not have the force of law. They are "strong suggestions" made by administrative agencies. But, as in all things, if you give an agency an inch, it will take a yard. If the legislature passes a law curtailing the IRS's taxation power, for instance, containing the collection of taxes to 4 basic groups of people, the Internal Revenue Service will create an internal regulation, claiming that they can tax everyone. The Supreme Court just ruled against the EPA in their habit of doing the same thing. What this means is that a precedent is now established to push back against out-of-control deep state bureaucracies who have taken the law into their own hands, unconstitutionally. On the balance sheet, this is a check in the box of freedom: a point scored for rule of law.

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