Aurelian Saul created the stars and spread his great grace over the vastness of the barren space

2 years ago

Aurelian Thor, the omniscient, was an ancient being long before the rune lands began to breed. Since the birth of the first breath,

He and his kind began to roam the vast and empty realms of primordial heaven, trying to fill the vast canvas with wonders, allowing the flickering spectrum to bring achievement and joy to all who saw it.

In his wanderings, Aurelian Sol encountered few equals. The eternal spirits are indifferent,

They contribute little to the existence of things and are content to formulate philosophical theories of creation itself that are egocentric.

But then, around an ordinary sun he had forged eons earlier, he made a surprising discovery. A planet. Multiple overlapping areas.

He doesn't know who created the world or for what purpose -- he just knows it's not his work.

The spirits seemed to have an unusual interest in the world, and they begged him to come closer. Where life, magic, and infant civilizations cry for the guidance of higher wisdom.

Gloating at the sight of a new audience admiring his supremacy, Aurelian Saul descended to earth in the form of a fierce dragon among the stars, basking in the adulation of all kinds.

In an unremarkable land called Chichien, the insignificant inhabitants named him after the gold he had given them, and the spirits ordered them to make corresponding offerings. The people climbed their highest peaks and presented him with a crown of fine magic, engraved with the inconceivable patterns of the realms of heaven.

When the crown was placed between the eyebrows of Aurelian Saul, he knew it was not a tribute at all.

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