Archeological Discovery at Mount Ebal, Israel, June 1, 2022

2 years ago

CEO of Lipkin Tours and amateur archeologist Aaron Lipkin from Jerusalem, Israel presents latest findings related to the recent discovery of a lead curse tablet found among rubble from a prior excavation on Mt. Ebal. The prior excavation, conducted by the late archeologist and University of Haifa Adam Zertel, uncovered a structure that Zertel became convinced was the altar built by Joshua upon entering the Promised Land as commanded by Moses in Deuteronomy 27:4 and described in Joshua 8:30-31.

Years later, Mr. Lipkin convinced American archeologist Dr. Scott Stripling to sift through the rubble piles a second time, this time with water, which lead to the discovery of the lead tablet. Mr. Lipkin gives exciting details of the finding and the technologies used to analyze and interpret the ancient writing on tablet, which corroborate the biblical accounts in amazing detail.

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