Alignments, Alliances and Allegiance: Proclaim Liberty!

2 years ago

There is no liberty without Truth. We proclaimed-prophesied the government (civil authority) would join with the
Church (religious-spiritual authority) to restore the breach in the foundation of America as we acknowledge the Original
Intent of the Constitution. This is happening right before our eyes as the Supreme Court is making decisions to support
God’s law over man’s corrupt law when evil is called good and good is called evil. One of the ways we are walking this
out is through We The County. LSC and WTC are separate, yet they work together.
God aligns everything in His perfect timing, forming alliances that results in an allegiance to a cause in order to advance
the Kingdom of God and destroy the works of Satan. God controls the stars, the heavens and everything on Earth. God is
in control and Jesus is on His throne orchestrating the battle.
Stars: symbolic of angels, people and even Jesus the Bright and Morning Star. Often, they are angels or people with
great authority. Christians do not look to the stars for direction, we look to our Lord Jesus Christ, the One who directs
the stars as everything lines up in His perfect timing.
God’s Alignment: Being “in-line” with the Word of God and walking “in Christ” trusting in His perfect timing.
God’s Alliance: Those who are in His alignment uniting together.
Our Allegiance: loyalty to our Lord Yeshua Hamashiach, His Kingdom and His righteousness.
The Year of the “Declaration of Independence”
January 6, 2022: on the 1-year anniversary of the Deep State coerced/induced the insurrection on the Capital Building in
Washington DC, WTC launched “Serving Notice; The Truth Will Prevail Declaration” based on God’s authority in the
Declaration of Independence. Every 4 th of July we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We
proclaimed 2022 is the year of the Declaration of Independence. *See WTC brochure -Serving Notice- The Truth Will
Prevail Declaration.
2-22-2022 God Aligning Stars, Gates, Proclamations, and Churches
All of our Praise Rallies have been on a Friday or a Saturday, but the worship leader Darci from Vassar Victory Center
believed in her heart the praise rally was to be on 2-22-22, a Tuesday night exactly 2 years to the day of our first Not
Ashamed rally. No one knew on 2-22-22 for the first time ever, the planet Pluto would be returning to the exact position
it was on July 4 th 1776 when America signed the Declaration of Independence! Biblically Pluto would be considered a
star. It represents destruction and rebirth. Our Founding Fathers knew they had to destroy the control of the British
Empire over America in order to be reborn as a free nation, a nation of liberty and justice for all. This is amazing that the
planet-star Pluto that symbolized destruction and rebirth lined up perfectly with what God was doing! The 4 th of July is
considered America’s birthday!!! Our Founding Fathers had to enter into battle and be willing to die for freedom.
6-24-2022 the Supreme Court DECLARED abortion unconstitutional. It has been said this statement was released at
10:10 am. June 24th is 10 days before July 4 th .
10 is symbolic of a “test” and God’s perfect law (the 10 Commandments).
On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples waited 10 days in the Upper Room for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came rushing in and filled their hearts with the Law of God.
Pentecost to the Jews represents the giving of the Law, the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai.
John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and
that they may have it more abundantly. Jesus contrasted Himself (abundant life) as to Satan (steal, kill, destroy). Up
until this point our government has been stealing our wealth (trillions in debt) killing our children (abortion-
*adrenachrome) and destroying our “American way of life” (liberty and justice for all). *DuckDuckGo search engine
Pentecost also means “50.”
50 years ago, the Supreme Court took up the case of Roe V Wade and decided the Constitution includes the right to
have an abortion. The Justices lifted up man’s corrupted law over God’s law.

According to Apostle Barbara Yoder, we are in a season of Pentecost, and a Jubilee Year, which happens once every 50
years! During the Year of Jubilee, God brought restoration by releasing the slaves allowing them to return to their
families and returning the land to their people. Debt was forgiven. It was a year to Proclaim Liberty throughout the
land!!! Liberty: Strong’s # 1657 eleutheria; negation of domination, freedom from slavery, independence.
The Great Alignment of 6-24-2022, Five planets and the moon aligned from Earth’s perspective. Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn appeared in order. This is being called “The Great Alignment.” Remembering stars can be symbolic of
people in positions of authority, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V Wade was victorious by 5 Superstar
Justices in a 5 to 4 vote on 6-24-2022! Daniel Cht 12 is a prophecy about the end of this age.
Dan 12:3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to
righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. These 5 Justices are shining bright!
Recent Supreme Court Rulings: Liberty/Freedom! The Breach is Being Restored! All Glory to Yeshua Hamashiach!
Religious Freedom: You can kneel and pray on the football field after a game and people can join you!
Religious Freedom: Tuition assistance programs can include Christian schools!
Religious Freedom: You can teach Christianity in government schools!
Constitutional Freedom: One of New York’s gun laws was too restrictive
Constitutional Freedom: The EPA and other agencies cannot write laws. That is the job of Congress.
The Liberty Bell rings with freedom as the Church (religious-spiritual authority) stands with the Government (civil
authority). This is the Original Intent of our Constitution as the Founding Fathers gave homage to God’s authority.
The Pennsylvania Assembly (Government) ordered the Bell in 1751 to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of William
Penn’s 1701 Charter of Privileges, Pennsylvania’s Original Constitution.
Inscribed on the Bell: “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof,” from Leviticus 25:10.
Lev 25:10 And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It
shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.
The Bell was placed in the tower of Independence Hall where the government officially met. The Bell’s original name
“State House bell.” It got the name “Liberty Bell” by the people who wanted to abolish slavery because of the
inscription of Lev 25:10 God’s commandment to release all slaves in the Jubilee Year.
Also inscribed; “By Order of the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania for the State House in Philda.”
According to tradition, on July 8, 1776 the Bell rang to summons the people for the first reading of the Declaration of
In October 1777, the Bell was hidden in the floorboards of Zion Reformed Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania because
the British occupied Philadelphia. They believed it would most likely be melted down for a cannon.
The first sermon Jesus preached:
Luke 4:18-19 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has
sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty
those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
We are in the “acceptable year of the Lord!” The year to Proclaim Liberty! All freedom is through Jesus Christ.
Liberty: Strong’s # 1657 eleutheria; negation of domination, freedom from slavery, independence.
God is negating the domination of the Babylonian Empire over America! We Proclaim Liberty! This 4 th of July 2022, God
is pouring out His glory, His anointing, His grace, His authority over His people to break free from slavery and is giving us
our independence back. Just as our Founding Fathers declared God’s authority in the Declaration of Independence over
the bondage of King George III of Great Britain, we declare God’s authority over and into our government, our schools,
our culture and our way of life! We Proclaim Liberty! The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this!

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