Let's Play - Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Scarlet Blaze) part 17

2 years ago

Chapter 6: Bridge of Betrayal part 1

Count Gloucester has backstabbed us and has Count Bergliez's forces trapped, though it probably may not work in their favor. Also, we get a new facility for tactics, which lets us upgrade our warriors' gauges, abilities and potions.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is a game only for the Nintendo Switch.

Also, check out my artworks and fanfics here: https://buzzly.art/~Red%20Dragonette and https://www.weasyl.com/~reddragonette

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, video game, videogame, first time playthrough, walkthrough, strategy action RPG, hack & slash, Switch, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, Koei Tecmo, Fire Emblem, Shez, Arval, Empress Edelgard von Hresvelg, Marquis Hubert von Vestra, Ferdinand von Aegir, Linhardt von Hevring, Caspar von Bergliez, Bernadetta von Varley, Dorothea Arnault, Petra Macneary, Monica von Ochs, Jeritza von Hrym, Ashe Ubert, Manuela Casagranda, Constance von Nuvelle, Hapi, Hanneman von Essar, Ladislava the Scarlet Warrior, Count Leopold von Bergliez, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, Count Erwin Fritz Gloucester, risky gambit, documents, traveler's journal II, history of Fodlan I, restarted to see if the other choice can get support points, it turns out it doesn't matter, C support conversations, I wanted to mess with Constance, expanding tactics academy, tactics academy patron 1, Northern Berliez Territory,

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