Javelin and NLAW, abandoned weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region

2 years ago

Russian servicemen discovered an abandoned warehouse with foreign-made #weapons and a place of residence for Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers. All this was found in a liberated settlement in the #kharkov [#Kharkiv] region.

Samples of foreign-made weapons abandoned during the retreat were found in a makeshift storage facility. Among them are the unused*** Javelin and NLAW #manpads . The warehouse was located in one of the residential buildings.

“Here you can see absolutely new sets of #nlaw , #javelin , which will be transferred to the people’s militia of the DPR to continue to carry out the tasks of destroying the fighters of the Kyiv regime,” the Russian military said.

#nazi #symbols were also found in the house where the Ukrainian military lived. It was painted on the walls.
*** Weapons for Food Program in Ukraine: Trading Javelins, Panzerfaust, NLAW etc for Food with Russians:

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