#Cuba 🇨🇺 #Repression against activists

3 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺 #SantiagoDeCuba Activist Jose Daniel Ferrer and his son broke out of their own home to participate in the protest against police brutality, repression, justice for Hansel( the young black man killed by the #PNR last week), and the freedom of all political prisoners including Silverio Portal. The police had put a lock in their home. They were arrested violently, not caring for the 17 year old minor. Nelva Ortega was then left with 2 kids alone and harassed by a mob of state security. After hours of being held against their will, both Jose Daniel and his son Danielito were released. Danielito shows signs of violence: his shoulder has an injury from being violently thrown into the car, the police ran over one of his feet with the patrol car and he was held for 7 hours under extreme heat in a carro jaula ( jail car). The communists have no respect for minors. There is a rise in violence from the repressive dictatorship since the lockdown. More activists were taken before they were able to go to the peaceful protest in several parts of the country. Among them the @mov_sanisidro artists, Tania Bruguera, Ariadna Mena, members of UNPACU and CubaDecide. Hansel Hernandez was a young man whole life was taken away by the castro police and Cubans do not have the right to protest for justice. @anaolema @jdanielferrer1970 @contribuyentes_de_unpacu @rosamariapaya @liusantiesteban
Place: Jose Daniel Ferrer’s home
Date: June 30, 2020
Source: Nelva Ortega
#Freedom4Cuba #NoMoreRepression #HumanRights #PNRAsesina #ElCambioEsYa #AbajoLaRevolucion #JusticeForHansel #UNPACU #Dissidents #Activists #Junio30Cuba

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