Olga Vita NC, Health Coach for Ayurveda in 2030, WORLD AYURVEDA DAY

4 years ago

Olga Vita, Holistic Health Coach, Sustainability Consultant, Biotherapist
FB page: @detoxandsuperfoods Detox and Superfoods with Olga Vita https://web.facebook.com/detoxandsuperfoods/

Happy World Ayurveda Day! 13 November, 2020 ( Yes, Friday, 13th, lol)

For over 20 years I have been studying, living and sharing online & off-line globally natural healing

I am a life-long student, practitioner and educator of Vitality=Health + Happiness, my signature Life Science system, a bridge between the ancient time tested wisdom of Ayurveda, TCM, Thai, Tibetan, Russian, Native American and other traditions and the cutting edge science of Bio-Field Functional medicine.

All systems that work address 3 Vitality Killers: Toxicity, Deficiency, Stagnation.
All offer ways to reverse 3Killers and strengthen 3 Vitality Pillars: Detox, Nourish, Move/Flow.

Any Life Science, call it Ayurveda or Vitality system, is a way to be more aware to make better decisions about your own health & happiness, as well as that of your community and the planet.

I look for experts and tools in each field and put them together as needed by clients. As I love LIFE I see Ayurveda as an integral part of the true health care system.

My vision of 2030 is that the global Information Age will help bring together ancient wisdom and modern technology.

Hopefully, Ayurvedic practitioners will adjust their recommendations to the modern realities, e.g. stop suggesting toxic, highly processed crackers, dairy, veg.oils etc.

Even bigger hope is that people and health care professionals will understand the bio-individuality, safety and efficacy of Ayurveda approach and try it before new, risky ones.

I see Ayurveda in 2030 practiced wider using modern tech and being more accepted worldwide as a primary health care modality.

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