Fallout 3 Walkthrough (Modded) Part 228 reupload

2 years ago

- There was an annoying editing error in the previous "Part 228 - reupload" video. This version replaces that. That is all.
Q: Why did you re-record some parts of this walkthrough?
A: I was dissatisfied with the video quality, too much pixelation, and low frame rate.
In this episode, I learn to craft some new mines. Also, finding out what happened to Mr. Manchester.

Here are the timestamps:
- 00:48 - Solving the painting room puzzle.
- 03:01 - The Photo will be necessary to open the next door.
- 04:34 - The door will only open with the photo o Mr. Manchester and his voice. Play the jingle discovered in the Sal'' Shack Sound and interact Entrance System.
- 05:36 - Place reserved for the Toxin-D mine.
- 06:17 - Reading the terminal.
- 12:27 - Activating the switch causes the chandelier to explode.
- 13:41 - Locating the chandelier and the Underground Lab Key.
- 15:00 - Footlocker with the "Fuse" note in it.
- 16:03 - Being attacked by slavers, then freeing the slave.
- 17:55 - The Dots Dinner mentioned by Manchester.
- 18:12 - Locked floor safe.
- 18:22 - Reading the terminal.
- 19:19 - Opening Machester's Briefcase and retrieving the Toxin-D Schematics and the machine rod/piston.
- 19:45 - Collecting the items above triggers an ambush.
- 20: 15 - Alex, Denny, and Sam.
- 20:39 - There's a skill book type found in Alex's body. Which one you can find seems to be random.
- 21:09 - Looting Denny's body. Denny's Special Face is a unique headwear. The key to that floor safe in the Dots Dinner is also with him.
- 21:48 - Equipping Denny's Special Face.
- 22:37 - Opening the floor safe with the key and collecting and reading the Found in Dot's Dinner Floor Safe note.
- 24:27 - Returning to Manchester State.
- 29:44 - Finding a skill book when using the elevator. The book type is random.
- 39:19 - Martin Eden. A book that is not readable.
- 40:05 - Manchester's Martin Eden holotape.
- 40:26 - Listening to the holotape while looking at the remains of Mr. Manchester.
- 41:44 - A closer look at Mr. Manchester's skeleton.
- 41:55 - Easter Potato (2 of 6).

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