The BIGGEST change is Here!

2 years ago

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#spirituality #evolving #expansion

After almost 14 years of hard work, and countless hours of deep research, channelling and writing books, blogs and producing content (book trailers, podcasts which are yet to be released, studying marketing processes)for Oho Ake Books, I am DONE and need a break (perhaps permanently).

I have loved every moment of this endeavour and I am so humbled by the gifts that I have been able to create for my human family. There is a legacy of work 'The Shadow and Soul Series' of books that will assist the spiritual awakened and the awakening along the lines of time all available on my website and currently on Amazon (POD, print on demand for some titles, but all will be released in 2022).

It's time for me to do something else that I'm passionate about. TRAVEL. My van, 'Goldenhorse' and I are off to the Te Wai Ponamu, the South Island for a month of adventures, making new memories and visiting old sites and friends. I really excited to have a rest, reset and rediscover what we call in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 'the mainland'.

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