The Eugenics Agenda, Bill Gates and the Rockefeller's are in Lockstep. Gates Related to Rockefeller

1 year ago

The Eugenics Agenda, Bill Gates and the Rockefeller's are in Lockstep. Gates Related to Rockefeller

Jews: Rothschilds, Warburgs...Rockefellers? And Bushes? - Stormfront

The Rockefeller Family - Secret Jews! A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community states that the Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). The book is entitled "The Grandees - America's Sephardic Elite.".

Is Bill Gates Related To The Rockefellers? - Celeb Answers: YES

Oct 6, 2020Bill Gates is related to the Rockefellers, albeit quite loosely. According to Famous Kin, Bill's 7th cousin 3 times removed is Nelson Rockefeller, the 41st Vice President of the United States. Nelson's grandfather is billionaire John D. Rockefeller. Despite this, Bill says that he sees no similarities between himself and the oil-entrepreneur

Mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller.

Real name. Jacob ...
Mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real name. Jacob Greenberg. nesaraaustralia.wordp A Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of Marijuana and this mugshot was taken. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg. His family members include David Rockefeller, his Grandfather

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