The Fall of the Cabal Part 05 (1080p30)

2 years ago

THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT... The Fall of the Cabal

About the sexualization of children and the normalization of paedophilia, child sex trafficking for the elite. About Pizza Restaurant Comet Ping Pong and its owner James Alefantis, his background and familyline (Rothchild), his close friendship with the Obamas, the Clintons, David Brock, John and Tony Podesta. The artwork they buy and exhibit portraying naked, abused and murdered children. About the Pizzagate scandal, the Podesta e-mails, the encoded meaning of the pizza-related jargon, and the shocking secret behind Comet Ping Pong. About Cognitive Dissonance and the psychology of denial...

English spoken Part 5 of 10

Documentary by award winning researcher and author Janet Ossebaard. /

Note from SoulWorthy: This was originally 480p30 on the author's Bitchute channel, then upscaled to 1080p30. The reason native 1080 is available for the other 9 and not this one is that I found the 1080s on Youtube on Janet's (the author's) channel. Part 5 had already been deleted by Youtube. There were comments about this by viewers and by Janet. Part 5 was apparently more controversial. I downloaded all 9 videos on Oct 1, 2020. Subsequent to that, her whole channel was wiped out (censored) by Youtube. This may have happened with the Oct. 15 purge of many other great patriot channels. So while I saved the nine videos in 1080p, I had been too late to save Part 5 in 1080p. And for reasons that have not been communicated to me, Rumble too, repeatedly deletes this one episode. (Rumble, please stop it. This episode is an important part of the whole 10-part documentary.)

Watch Part 6 of this series:

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