Was Jesus Christ Murdered or Sacrificed? | Ilelemwanta Nomaren

4 years ago

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we'll systematically find out whether our Savior was a sacrifice or a victim of murder.

Despite all the different ideas that we Christians may have about his death, we all believe that Jesus Christ died for a purpose. However, those opinions can change the way we see the rest of the Bible, so it is still important that we get the facts straight.

Therefore, this video will explain how we can reconcile two major viewpoints, the idea that Jesus Christ was murdered, and the belief that he was sacrificed. It will also use some other Bible stories and prophecies to explain how we can properly interpret the death of our Lord and Saviour, and it will allow us to understand the spiritual significance of that important historical moment.

If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources:

Our Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Gods-Unfolding-Government-ATTESTING-INAUGURATION-ebook/dp/B086T4XYVQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=god%27s+unfolding+government&qid=1586357200&sr=8-1

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Smart Spiritual Solutions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJDJNlNqhDLe0EQpCf2pE9A

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