The Real Big Lie

2 years ago

Currently there is a leftist fake narrative being thrust down our throats, because Democrats are actually losing their grip on power and are terrified of the consequences. This is how evil actually works - take a little of the truth, twist it, add a lot of denigrating rhetoric and falsehoods, mix together and present as an outrageous narrative that falsely accuses the person you are trying to destroy of essentially your own crimes. Read Colbeck's The 2020 Coup. Check out what really happened on January 6th at j6truth dot org. Too many millions of Americans have woken up to the truth and are outraged by the lies of the sham and unconstitutional January 6th committee and political operatives in mainstream media who no longer act as journalists but are essentially Democrat propaganda mouthpieces. There WAS in fact a coup, but it took place in November 2020 due to widespread, criminal and seditious fraud denying the true winner of 2020 his rightful presidency. That is outrageous and not only a crime against Pres Trump but against Americans as a whole who deserve free and fair elections. And against the rest of us who want to live in as peaceful a world as possible. Are the claims about the huge swindle that took place in America in 2020 really a “big lie”? No, tragically it actually happened and there is overwhelming evidence for it that fakestream media is doing its best to try either to ignore or to "debunk". The REAL big lie is declaring that actually stating the truth about US 2020 is any kind of lie at all.

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