Musings from an Imaginist.

2 years ago

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#spirituality #anecdotal #musings

We live in tumultuous and interesting times. The TRUE faces of technocrats and their puppet head civil servants globally are free of the masks they wore in order to create their roles in society. The overt nature of their agenda is lost to those under mass hypnosis, mass formation, but those of us who are not asleep we take a stand against the encroaching tyranny, find community and strength in each other.

I have been on a rollercoaster since January 2020 and it feels like the ride has only just begun. With socialism sweeping into my country, rolled out by our head civil servant, who answers not to the people of Aotearoa/New Zealand, but the HQ of the corporation of The United Nations, and the CCP elite, our ride is getting bumpy.

My creative ideas and endeavours took a turn when I felt into the reasons why I was even bothering. Was I creating for me alone? No one seemed to be interested in hearing my truth, reading my books, or my blogs. A revelation for me was that my spirit wanted to move through me, allowing my body to be the vessel for its expression. So I have given over to the feeling, and surrendered all expectation. I create because I exist. This is life.

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