Discerning UFO's and CONTACT. Storytellers...

2 years ago

#UFO #contactee #storytellers

Throughout my life I have been in contact with beings from various parts of the multiverse. Often that contact has been a close encounter of the first kind, seeing craft or witnessing craft landing. There have been also been experiences where i had have seen what I believe to be Defence Contractor (USA Private Defence Contractors) craft. These craft have been created from Nazi tech taken from the coffers of the secret laboratories and weapons depositories of SS obergruppenfuehrer Hans Kammler, and back engineered ancient Atlantean technologies, in my perception.

I've also had close encounters of the fourth kind, but not in an abduction sense. My experience was beautiful, intimate and life affirming in ways that defy I conceived as being possible. Looking back on other experiences where I have seen craft, then felt the presence of beings nearby, and having learned the CE5 contact protocols, I have had numerous healing experiences with beings, non-human, who have elevated my awareness with direct energetic contact.

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