This Day in History, July 5

2 years ago

This Day In History, July 5
Horse sense, Isaac Newton’s Principia, the Olive Branch Petition, P. T. Barnum, the Liberty Bell, Max Klinger, Spam, the Bikini, the UK health system, BBC, Elvis Presley‘s “That’s All Right,” Marc Cohn, Edie Falco, Susan Wojcicki, the 26th Amendment, Arthur Ashe, Bjorn Borg, Armenian Constitution, Dolly the Sheep, Ted Williams, "Coming Up" by Paul McCartney, this day in history, July 5.

#history #thisdayinhistory #July5

My blog, “No, Really” at this link:

“Walking in Memphis” by Marc Cohn:

“Coming Up” by Paul McCartney:

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