The Weekly Energy Foresight for July 04-10, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards: Rider Waite
by: Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith
Oracle Cards: Angels & Ancestors
by: Kyle Gray
artwork by: Lily Moses

July 04-10 2022

Knight Of Pentacles

This week you may find you are seriously busy being productive! Some weeks we need to play, and others we become worker bees - and this Card is telling us it’s time to make some honey

With hard work comes great compensation… even if it’s just your own feeling of pride, that is what matters here, your sense of accomplishment in a job well done!

Take this opportunity to revel in your own self-reliance and your ability to dig deep and get the job done - CONGRATS ✨

Mid-Week ~ 04-07

End-Week ~ 07-10

04 -Independence Day/4th Of July
-Alice In Wonderland Day
05 -National Apple Turnover Day
-National Graham Cracker Day
06 -National Hand Roll Day -International Kissing Day
- 🌓First Quarter Moon
07 -National Strawberry Sundae Day
-Father Daughter Take a Walk Day
-World Chocolate Day -Global Forgiveness Day
08 -National Freezer Pop Day
-National Chocolate with Almonds Day
-Celtic Tree Month of Holly Begins
09 -National Sugar Cookie Day
-Collector Car Appreciation Day
-World Kebab Day
-International Skinny Dip Day
-Nunavut Day
10 - National Kitten Day
-Global Energy Independence Day
-Hari Raya Haji
-Eid al-Adha


🎶 Envato, Kevin MacLeod , iMovie Royalty Free Audio/Visuals, & Wondershare Filmora Royalty Free Audio/Visuals

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