Watch How To Make skin toner with raw milk

2 years ago

1. Rice Water _ Rice water is the best solution for acne problems. It cleanses the skin and removes the impurities from the pores. It contains minerals and vitamins that help remove dead skin cells and prevent pimples. It makes the skin soft and supple. It is also rich in calcium which helps fight against acne and prevents scars.

2. Milk- Milk is full of protein which helps in healing wounds and reduces scarring. It is also rich with vitamin A which keeps the skin healthy. It is also rich source of calcium which prevents wrinkles and promotes hair growth.

3. Rose Water - Rose water is one of the best natural skin toners you can use to treat dry skin. This is because it contains hydrating properties that help hydrate your skin and boost its elasticity. It is also great at treating acne, eczema, psoriasis, and even sunburns.


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