"Sotto Voce" - CONTACT by Bald and Bonkers - Episode 14

2 years ago

This channel is now a part of the Bald and Bonkers Network LLC Many claim that world-changing knowledge has long been hidden away from the public in an effort to suppress the masses. Technology, special abilities of humanity, and even esoteric knowledge many believe could let our society eradicate the many problems we face today. While some, like Chris and Dakota, have openly discussed their ventures into the unknown and managed to gather a deeply trusted network to exchange information. But what if there was a secret group that was already doing this from the shadows?

Damocles, or simply "D," from the Sotto Voce Vault shares information on various cover-ups, esoteric knowledge, and more with the world through her platforms in order to raise public awareness. With a mutual interest in the CE5 protocols, alien technology, and sudden efforts to suppress global events... she was a natural pick to ask to come on the show. And now, she's coming forward.

Read up on the Sotto Voce Vault here: https://sottovocevault.com/

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