Course 04: History as an Evolution of Consciousness. Session 10: World War II.

2 years ago

Set in motion by changing global economics and by issues put into motion at the close of World War I, humanity faces a struggle that dwarfs all before, World War II. (L. A. M. 4k)

Session ten of the fourth companion course to Vince Bedogne’s THRESHOLD TO MEANING REVISITED: The Universe as an Evolution of Consciousness and the Evolutionary Transformation that Unfolds Within Us.

Course 01: Evolution of Consciousness Theory. (16 videos)

Course 02: Economics of Fulfillment. (9 videos)

Course 03: Blueprint for Reconstruction. (9 videos)

Course 04: History as an Evolution of Consciousness. (12 videos)

Essays: Topics and thoughts related to Evolution of Consciousness Theory.

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