Need to Know News TEXAS TUESDAY (28 June 2022) with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

The death of the Senate's Sergeant at Arms (along with the theft of his laptops that had information about the J6 event) suggests the cover-up has entered a new phase, which the circumstances hint that this was a murder. The anomalous plane crash of Dr. Carrie Madej. I wish I could deny that those who stole the 2020 election and manufactured the "insurrection" are not going all the way to prevent the truth from emerging, where this guy was in a key position to expose what was really going on, including the use a network of Blackberries, which was the favorite of former President Barack Obama, whose prints are all of the theft of the election and efforts to smear Trump supporters. Biden expresses disappointment over the Supreme Court's rejection of the New York requirement of having a "special reason" to concealed carry, which reduces the 2nd Amendment to 2nd class status. None is required, yet municipalities such as New York City vow to not allow the rule of law to be enforced in their jurisdictions, ignoring that the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over all 50 states. A piece by Michelle Goodwin, which has been republished on my blog at, led to a spirited debate between the three of us, where Joe and Michael disagree with me on Roe, which I regard as one of the wisest decisions ever rendered by the Supreme Court. We included discussion of the emergence of a stronger and stronger BRICS alliance, where the US petrodollar is about to become extinct as a consequence of reckless and irresponsible policies promoted by the US and the West. We have no one to blame but ourselves--and the consequences for Americans are going to be profound.

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