The Raw Deal (13 June 2022)

2 years ago

I began with three articles on the front page of the Wisconsin State Journal (13 June 2022), which was at one time in the distant past a respectable news publication, but which as descended into no more that a propaganda organ for the left, now loaded with advertising having lost so many subscribers for absence of serious reporting. I began with one about having a fake coyote figure in a part to scare away geese, which works because they mistake the fake for the real thing--which, as I explain, satisfies the criterion for the possession of mentality, namely, the capacity to make a mistake. Then I turned to the lower-right, where there is a story about the "modest gun curbs" to which the Senate has agreed. But the most important was an AP story--laden with falsehoods--about the January 6th Special Committee and how they are going to focus on Trump and show he committed felonies, which preclude him from running for President again. If the Democrats think they are fooling anyone, it's beyond me. What their feeble efforts reflect is that their efforts reek of desperation, they they believe he would clean their clock again (where he to run in 2024), and they the are so bereft of serious programs to benefit the American people that they have been reduced to grasping after straws.

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