Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (12 June 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

Inflation, soaring gas and food prices are devastating the average American's ability to survive and thrive. Food shortages are on their way and and there appears to be next to nothing that can be done about it. One solution may be to eat bugs, which is being done now in the UK with children in schools. Outrageous! Truly disgusting beyond belief. And speakers at the WEF are suggesting that freedom of speech "needs to be recalibrated" to allow the masters to extend their slavery unopposed. The emotional impact of the (staged) Uvalde event has been upstaged by the failure of the police to act in a timely fashion, which is creating outrage across the nation and suffocating the propaganda benefits of the event to promote gun control. Indeed, there were many peculiar aspects to what took place there that confirm it was a fake shooting where (almost certainly) nobody died. Another Hollywood actor is trotted out to make a fool of himself, where Michael Moore is now campaigning to revoke the 2nd Amendment. Such stupidity deserves a medal!

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