Need to Know News (3 June 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

Biden claims to not want war with Russia, but his every action is provoking one. He claims not to be seeking "regime change" in Russia, but nothing he has said or done makes that come across as remotely plausible. Sending these weapons to Ukraine makes the US a co-belligerent under international laws and the words of the president cannot change what has already been done. The US has used support for al Qaeda, for example, as justification for the use of force against those entities and cannot now exempt itself because the shoe is on the other foot. Using the fake Buffalo and Uvalde events as pretext, Justin Trudeau has declared his intent to outlaw handguns in Canada, which has led to the greatest surge in gun sales in the history of the nation. The Democrats efforts to disarm America are not about to succeed, but it won't be for lack of trying. Biden again and again exposes his lack of knowledge about guns and the 2nd Amendment, further burnishing his credentials as the most incompetent president in the history of the nation. The public doesn't want guns to be banned for all the right reasons. And Biden now wants to make soaring gas prices a "good thing" for transforming the nation off of fossil fuels and onto an electric agenda, except that electricity cannot succeed as a sustainable source of energy absent production capabilities powered by gas and oil--and were taking down dams is only going to compound the matter exponentially. The pandemic and lockdowns have been disastrous for our kids, leaving them educationally and emotionally frozen at the same stage prior to this massive calamity, from which American will not soon recover.

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