Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (22 May 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

The WHO wants to rule the world through a new treaty among 194 nations that would surrender their national sovereignty to a foreign entity not even controlled by a physician but by a man with a history of terrorism in his home nation of Ehiopia. May the wisdom of their leaders keep these nations from falling prey to an obvious tactic to implement one-world government through the WHO on special grounds of protecting global health. It's a sham. Mike Adams warns that the US is taking control of the nation's food supply in apparent compliance with the master plan the WHO may be unable to attain, provided only leaders of the various nations possess the wisdom to step out of the trap that has been laid for them. Louisiana has benefitted from having an AG who was smart enough to convince the Governor not to mandate the vax for youngsters, who are virtually immune to the alleged virus and certainly do not need it. Fauci has given those on the fence and excellent reason to vote for Trump in 2024, vowing that if Trump comes in, he is out. And it appears the Monkey virus will be the next health hoax to be perpetrated upon the world's population. We conclude with a more detailed and compelling dissection of the staged Buffalo grocery store shooting, where Brian Davidson, a PI who has proved extremely adept at exposing "false flag" events, has exposed more proof that it was a sham--and that the video that was released turns out to have been a rehearsal video taped about an hour before the (fake) event. We ended with an open discussion of all of this and what it means for the American people.

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