Need to Know News (20 May 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

If the US had any brains, it would follow the lead of Russia and withdraw from the WTO and the WHO, which now threatens to exercise control over the 194 nations of the world through its new proposed "Pandemic Treaty", which no serious country ought to sign. But with complete and utter minors running America, no doubt, we will commit the massive blunder of agreeing to it--and have to fight our way out of it with a new president and Congress to undo the damage wrought by Biden and his cronies. Meanwhile, the stock market appears to be on the verge of collapse, with a massive drop this past Wednesday, in part because Target and Walmart have huge drops in profit because the people have overwhelmingly less discretionary income after inflation and the huge spike in the cost of food and gasoline, which have been brought about by the deliberate policies of the Biden administration. Mike Adams warns of the potential for a military invasion of America on our West Coast, where California has disarmed its citizens, who will be unable to defend against it. And genetically-modified food and crops are making a comeback by being labeled as "genetically edited" food and crops, but have no doubt, it's the same scam under new and improved marketing.

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