Need to Know News (4 May 2022) with Joe Olson and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

The death of Norman Mineta brought back my first appearance on "Hannity & Colmes" where Ollie North attempted to discredit the society I had founded, Scholars for 9/11 Truth. But it did not play out as intended. The US Supreme Court's apparent decision to reverse Roe and Casey has sent shock waves across the country, motivating Democrats like no other issue could. Instead of the loss of 100 seats in the House and 3-4 in the Senate, I now predict those numbers will be cut in half: 50 in the House and 1-2 in the Senate--enough for the GOP to seize control but not the complete obliteration that the party deserves. Some may cynically infer that the court has gone full political in its decision-making, but this outcome is not going to be good for the GOP--or for American women, who deserve protection from reproductive slavery by being forced to carry to term an unwanted fetus. Stunning how the DEMs make such a point of "My body, my choice" when it comes to abortion but don't utter a peep when it comes to the vax! The US is falling further and further behind Russia with respect to.our military capabilities, and there are increasing signs that a large-scale food shortage now appears to be inevitable, with devastating consequences. In my view, Joe and Holly were "spot on" the entire show, one of the best it has been my pleasure to host. Thanks to them!

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