Need to Know News (2 May 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

1 year ago

Demonizing Putin ain't working and he may be announcing on Victory Day, 9 May 2022, that Russia has completed its "special military operation" in Ukraine. Those who suggest he may be calling for conscripts, I think, are going to be disappointed. Meanwhile, the White House wants to seize property of Russian citizens and give it to Ukraine, which looks like out-and-out piracy or theft (on a grand scale). Nothing about this seems to be in accord with international law. And having the dumbest of the dumb in charge and pushing for war looks like a perfect recipe for WWIII--where we are not going to like the outcome. Even Noam Chomsky has abandoned the DEMs on this and praised Donald J. Trump for calling for negotiations to end the conflict--he and he alone! Good for Noam! It looks as though millions of ballots for Le Pen were deliberately torn to throw the election for Macron, who is widely despised in France. And the new "Dominatrix of Disinformation" is a weirdo who even composes songs about having sex with children--in this case, with Harry Potter. Something is very wrong here. Suicides aboard an aircraft carrier are highly disturbing and twitter has been exposed for having a "hate list" of persons not sufficiently enthusiastic about transgenders. This country has become a very strange place.

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