The Raw Deal (29 April 2022)

1 year ago

Rumors of my departure from Revolution Radio are greatly exaggerated. I have great affection for RR and, while my dear friends Giuseppe and Scorpio have departed for SpeakFreeRadio, I am habituated to RR and like the station, especially my producer, Mitchell Bupp. So I expect to remain in place for the foreseeable future. The Donald must have felt a sense of vindication when he played the trailer to "2000 Mules" during a rally in Ohio, which demonstrates that the Democrats had hired thousands to stuff drop boxes with ballots for Biden--after which they claimed it had been the most honest and upright election in US history, when the opposite was the case. An attempt by Governor Hochul of New York to gerrymander districts to give Democrats the advantage has been struck down by the New York Court of Appeals, which is a good sign. Maybe they won't be able to steal every election from now until forever. But the US and the West seem hell-borne to provoke a war with Russia over Ukraine, which--should it come to pass--is most unlikely to end in circumstances favorable to our side. Stupidity and ignorance seem to be paving the way. Fauci now tells us the pandemic is not really over, after all, probably to lend a hand to the passage of the WHO master plan to rule the world. And DHS reveals a new agency to deal with disinformation--the only question being, to inhibit it or to disseminate it? We know the answer.

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