Need to Know News (13 April 2022) with Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

New revelations from Dr. Brian Ardis reveals that the causal mechanism for killing people using the vax is snake venom, where the "corona" in "Coronavirus" appears to derive from King Cobra, where it's venom is being used to cause respiratory failure by inhibiting the diaphragm from properly functioning. The fact that HCQ and Ivermectin are antidotes is the reason they have been proscribed and, because nicotine inhibits the efficacy of the venom, why Tony the Rat was telling everyone, "Now is a good time to stop smoking!" The monstrousness of the scheme to devastate humanity boggles the mind. Every agency on which the American people depend to defend their health--the CDC, FDA, NIH, and WHO--is implicated in this genocidal scheme to depopulate Planet Earth. Check out my blog at, where you can watch his interviews with Mike Adams and with Stew Peters. Stunning stuff! The war in Ukraine is causing economic devastation to all the parties affected, from which it will be difficult to recover. Pfizer and Moderna may lose their immunity to liability should proof emerge--which now appears to be abundant and compelling--that the committed fraud in claiming that their vaccines were "safe and effective". A famed mask study in Bangladesh, which has been widely cited to justify wearing masks, turns out to have been corrupt, where the authors did not even fulfill their pre-analysis plan and did not publish essential data on deaths and hospitalizations. And G. Edward Griffin has published a review of the Fetzer case by JW Williams, which highlights the abuse he endured by the Wisconsin Courts and why his case is going to the US Supreme Court.

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