Need to Know News (7 April 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

1 year ago

NATO officers trapped in Mariupol ask for Russian assistance in escaping their plight. Zelensky has declared his intention to turn Ukraine into "The Greater Israel", which speaks volumes about what's going on here. Joe Biden (in another of his endless gaffs) declares that "We're going to war for Ukraine ... and I'll be right there with you!", leaving some to speculate on his advanced state of dementia. The Mayor of LA will not become US Ambassador to India, where it appears his nomination will not even be brought to the floor for a vote. Joy Reid demonstrates (once again) why she holds the prize for the most hysterical and irrational anchor on TV--where the strongest candidates are all on MSNBC! An apparent mass shooting in Sacramento provides more fodder for the Democrats to push their gun control agenda--and who knows what other events they may have in store as the Mid-Term elections grow nearer. Alex Jones says there is a massive attack on the 1st Amendment, about which there really can be scant reason for doubt. The side effects of masking upon little kids in their speech development is going to be profound, since they cannot see the formation of words in the mouths of those wearing masks. And a mom who lost her son at 34 just two weeks after taking the Pfizer jab has made a lot of noise about the CDC and the cavalier manner in which it treats the dead and damages from the vax--which ought to have been outlawed long since.

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