Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (3 April 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

A video lays out how the US military has been vitiated by the vax and woke ideology to a shadow of its former self. We couldn't repel an invasion by Mexico at this point. And no one wants to join a tranny-friendly military, which is an absurdity. A tetanus vaccine being used not on men or boys but only women who are of child-bearing age turns out to contain an anti-fertility drug -- it's being used to reduce the human population. And the FDA is moving ahead to authorize the shot for infants and small children, who are virtually immune to the disease. Another side effect is tinnitus, which is showing up around the world among those who have been vaxxed. And the "home test kits" sent out by Biden in the 10s of millions are (Surprise! Surprise!) tainted with poison, compliments of the administration. Lawsuits are coming over the violation of Title IX by Penn for allowing a trans-man to compete against women and set new records because of his biological advantages, where he ranked #462 among men. The world is going stark raving mad. But you can regain a modicum of rationality by enrolling in Jim's course on Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories, which begins this Wednesday at 8-9 PM/CT.

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