Truth vs. NEW$ Part 1 (3 April 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

While Boris Johnson outlines the conditions for removing sanctions on Russia--which include withdrawing--not only is that not going to happen but those sanctions are war crimes under international law and the Geneva Conventions as forms of collective punishment. Paul Craig Roberts lays out why Putin is in the right and the West in the wrong but the people have no idea because of unrelenting Western propaganda. Putin warns of food shortages that will occur and the IMF admits that what the West has been doing will undermine the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. JD Heyes sketches the risks of nuclear war, which are growing by the day as NATO sends more forces into the former states of the USSR. The proof of US funding for biolabs in Ukraine is now beyond reasonable doubt. The World Government Summit included the cheerful introduction of a global digital currency, which will make slaves of virtually all of humanity. The FEC has slapped Hillary's wrist for colluding with the DNC to fund the fake "Steele Dossier" that was used to smear Trump. Pathetic and weak response to an act of treason that undermined the integrity of the US and its judicial system -- if it had any integrity left!

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