Need to Know News (23 March 2022) with David Scorpio and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

After Biden called Putin "a war criminal", US-Russian relations are "at the breaking point". In fact, not only is Putin not "a war criminal", but Biden--by virtue of his sanctions imposed upon Russia, which are a form of collective punishment banned by the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter--IS "a war criminal". Our administration in Washington, D.C., has lost its bearings, legall, morally, and (even) politically, which is why the MidTerms spell their annihilation. A growing number of mercenaries in Ukraine are being taken out by Russian missiles--virtually as soon as they arrive! Saudi Arabia, the UEA, and other nations are not going to "play ball" with Biden by providing more oil. This is a catastrophe of Biden's own making by cancelling the XL pipeline and drilling on federal lands, which were acts of colossal stupidity on his first day in office. Russia (no doubt, properly) blames US-funded biolabs in Ukraine for outbreaks of diseases in its easter part, consistent with its leader's Nazi mentality. Mike King, in clear and simple language, explains how to tell that standing with Ukraine is standing with some of the world's greatest misfits and scum buckets. The CDC continues to manipulate its data consistent with its role as PR for Big Pharma at the public's expense. Aristotle explains the prospect of nuclear war and Mike Adams spells out what may be to come. Jim needs your help go get his case to SCOTUS and will be offering an on-line course on Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories (one hour per week, 15-weeks) beginning on 6 April 2022. Check it out!

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