Need to Know News (10 March 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

Biden cuts off gas and oil from Russia, which is going to exacerbate the cost of energy here in the US--and when it hits $10 a gallon, the economy will almost certainly collapse. In a stunning development, after denouncing reports of US-funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine, Victoria Nuland admitted there existence during public testimony before Congress under oath, which thereby exposed the US as BIG TIME LYING about a matter of urgent concern--especially since we have just lived through the effects of a pathogen developed in another foreign lab. This, I predict, will have vast ramifications reinforcing skepticism about what our own government tells the American people and confirming Trump's denunciations of "fake news". Tucker did a great job with this last night on his show, a segment of which is included here. Mike Adams predicts food shortages and widespread famine which cannot be forestalled or avoided because of the time it takes for plants to grow. I wish it were not the case, but what he is telling us appears to be well-founded, well-reasoned and true.

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