Need to Know (8 March 2022) TEXAS TUESDAY with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

Putin explains that sanctions on Russia are declarations of war, where late breaking news has it that German is staying the course on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and will not be cutting off gas from Russia, which is a major defeat for the New World Order. Russia has cut off supplying rocket engines to the US, saying "Let the fly on broomsticks!" NATO has rejected the idea of imposing a "no fly" zone over Ukraine, where war-games show NATO could only hold out for 5 days in a military showdown with Russia. VISA and Mastercard have severed relations with customers in Russia, which may even qualify as a form of collective punishment of a population for actions by their leaders for which they are not responsible, which is forbidden by the Hague Regulations and Geneva Conventions. Russia has taken control of nuclear power plants in Ukraine, where the US is now going begging to Venezuela, among others, to make up for the oil shortage from cutting off Russian imports. Gas prices are going to soar and the Democrats are going to fall at the Mid-term elections. Meanwhile, check out my effort to go to the US Supreme Court at

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