Need to Know News (4 March 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

The MSM has massively suppressed the superb statement by Vladimir Putin of the reasons why he has had to conduct a special military operation in Ukraine. Anyone who reads this will understand that he is in the right and the West has long been in the wrong. Biden's response has been to send Stinger missiles to Ukraine, not take Russia's national security interests into account. IWB reports that Ukraine is "the most corrupt globalist country in the world", further substantiating Putin's rationale for the incursion. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz calls Biden's speech the most "out-of-touch" State of the Union he has ever heard, But of course he cannot be honest about where things stand without impugning his own administration and its grotesque misconduct of the government, which (I predict with confidence) will be reversed at the mid-terms in November. The Secretary of Energy now admits that high gas prices and tight energy are being imposed upon the American people as a matter of policy in order to promote their Green Energy Agenda, which will have the effect of completing the economic destruction of the United States.

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