Need to Know News (16 February 2022) with David Scorpio and Holly Seelinger

1 year ago

The Remington settlement with (fake) Sandy Hook parents for $73,000,000 boggles the mind. All of this was staged; none of it was real. Nobody died at Sandy Hook. Parents were harassed over wearing masks by school board employees who were contesting the school board's mask policies. And white kids are tossing books by white authors out of their library as a "decolonizing" move. A Forbes contributor was fired from Forbes for reporting on Tony the Rat Fauci, which has to be a stain on its reputation that will endure forever. 8th graders were asked to do a sex-ed assignment by using food on a pizza to indicate their sexual preferences: Cheese = Kissing; Olives = Giving Oral. What is this nation coming to? The whole "Russia invasion" hoax appears to have been to puff up Biden for standing up to Putin when Putin was not planning to invade--but it's the best the Democrats can do. They see the writing on the wall.

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