The Raw Deal (11 February 2022)

1 year ago

I begin with an outrageous report by The Epoch Times of a DC police officer--a black woman--beating to death an unconscious white woman who was trampled during the Capitol intrusion and hit--again and again--with a steel baton and a wooden branch until dead. Seldom have I read anything this godawful. Another report, also from The Epoch Times--on the abuse of parents who are protesting the abuse of their children during a meeting of the school board in a Pennsylvania community. These are among the reasons why Biden's poll numbers are sinking and the DEMs face a wipe-out during the coming Mid-term elections in November. An unusual feature of today's show is that I play Tucker Carlson's opening last night about how the success of the Freedom Convoy in Canada is scaring the shit out of Democrats here in the USA. An accounting is coming. Excellent calls from Scorpio, Paul, and Brew to round out the show.

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