Need to Know (9 February 2022) with Giuseppe Vafanculo and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

Just months before the mid-term elections, "Poof!": the pandemic has passed! Stunning as governor after governor of Blue States declare they are removing the mandates and restrictions that they were enforcing with such vigor only days before. They appear to be following, not the science, but the political science, represented by the polls showing they are headed for disaster if they don't change course--and even that will be too little too late. The move by GoFundMe to steal $10,000,000 led to such furious backlash that they have reversed course and will send the money back 7-10 days later, when it can no longer make a difference. An alternative site, GiveSendGo, is experiencing unprecedented business simply by being honest, unlike the other. Sen. Ron Johnson does the nation a service by exposing the stunning increases in military medical adverse effects, which are simply staggering in their prevalence. He has asked DOD Secretary Lloyd for an explanation of what he is doing to deal with this issue, where I expect he will doubt the vax rate to kill or harm more in less time. It turns out that some 9,000 Americans were left behind in Afghanistan, just one more lie in an endless lists from our government, which ought to outrage ever citizen.

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