Dr. Mike Yeadon - Ex-Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Exposes Deadly Vax Lots for Nuremberg 2.0

1 year ago

INCREDIBLY GOOD recent interview with former Pfizer V.P turned whistleblower, Dr. Mike Yeadon. He lays it all on the line here!
They are lying to you. And if only symptomatic people are the source of infection, why would you ask everyone to wear masks? It s obviously a fear-tactic. Even if they worked, which they don t, why would you make people without symptoms wear them? And then lockdowns don t work either it s not human contact that spreads the disease, it s infectious human contact. It s only when you contact someone who s a good source of infection and you re susceptible THAT s the only chance of transmission ALL other contacts are irrelevant.
We used to call symptomatic people ill. And when you re ill you stay at home you don t need to be told to self-isolate because you feel like crap. So most of the time, the real sources of infection are at home on the sofa or in bed or in the hospital. SO if you then close down the non-infectious community, which is what lockdown is, it doesn t do a damn thing.
So they ve wrecked your economy, they ve frightened you to death by lying in your face, and they re still doing it today. PCR tests don t mean anything, lateral-flow tests haven t been properly calibrated, and most people survive infection by this particular virus if it even exists, who knows? but certainly if you get ill with these respiratory viral pneumonias, if you get early treatment, even if you re very vulnerable, most people survive.
So, there s never been a NEW emergency there s never been a new hazard in your environment and there isn t now, with the exception of 2 things: (1) your government s behavior and (2) the vaccines. Those are the serious hazards. And if you think it s the virus, there s a serious risk that we will lose our liberty, possibly permanently, and possibly our lives. So the reason that I keep speaking out even though it s uncomfortable is that, as a scientist with 40 years experience, it s blindingly obvious that what I m telling you is true and they used what is called Psy-ops, psychological operations, to condition you and reinforce that this is a really fearful thing and you d better do what you re told and do what your peers are doing.
My job is to tell you, Stand Up, Take your mask off, Go Outside, say you re not doing all this stupid stuff the government is telling you anymore. Take your lives back while they still exist because it won t be much longer. After 2 years of the destruction of the world s economy, we could be right on the brink, so I ve said it for a year and I mean it take your lives back while you can.
It s a [global] coup d etat. It s a takeover of all the liberal governments of the West. It s been planned for years. They ve gone for it and we ve just rolled over. They ve used standard propaganda techniques that have been in use since the early 20th Century and written up by Edward Bernays they ve used all those nudge techniques and they used them on us, all in one go and we fell for it.
From: https://rumble.com/vtom4k-dr.-mike-yeadon-ex-pfizer-chief-scientific-officer-exposes-deadly-vax-lots-.html (1:18:30)
In the interview above, Mike Yeadon refers to this presentation by Paul Schreyer:
This German researcher, Paul Schreyer, put together a presentation on the simulations/preparations for a global pandemic that had been in the planning stages for decades.
Pandemic Simulation Games | Preparing People for a New Era? | Paul Schreyer (English)
https://brandnewtube.com/watch/oOSxm4qLg8NiCZ3 - Kristall - 09 Jun 2021.

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