The Raw Deal (31 January 2022)

2 years ago

The massive truckers' convoy in Ottawa has set an inspiring example of peaceful protest against vaccine mandates and other forms of medical tyranny imposed by Canada, where it now appears the same will be done on an even larger scale right here in the USA. PM Justin Trudeau has fled to an undisclosed location out of feat he might be unseated, where the response by Parliament has yet to be determined. Trump has now endorsed the measure and put himself out front as the leader of opposition to vaccine mandates, which will resonate with the American public. A fascinating assessment by Toby Rogers (on my blog at lays out the terrible hand of the Democrats by contrast to the super hand held by the Republicans going into the 2022 Mid-term elections, where the GOP is likely to gain 100 seats in the House and 3-4 in the Senate, which is why they must more their Breyer replacement with lightning speed. The President of Ukraine has spoken out that the West and the NWO have been lying about Putin and Russia, where Ukraine wants better relations with Russia, not worse. Mitchell joined in playing a song about conspiracies, "I told you so!", which added a light touch to the situation we face today.

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