The Raw Deal (21 January 2022) with Lori Price from Citizens for Legitimate Government

2 years ago

Any lingering doubts that the COVID "scamdemic" is a Rothschild offshoot should be laid to rest by the discovery that they patented COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS in the Netherlands in 2015 and then in American in 2017, where publication of the patents was withheld until 2020. That's about as "smoking gun" as it gets! When asked why so many are concerned about his declining cognitive abilities, Biden blandly replied, "I don't know", and moved to the next question. With the 2020 mid-terms coming into focus and (virtually) every pollster and prognosticator predicting a Democratic "bloodbath", they are doing what they can to fend it off, including attempting to pass a "Voting Rights" act that enables them to cheat on every future election with no ID requirement and mail-in ballots, where anyone could send in as many ballots as they like and it would be impossible to verify the theft of the election. And they are doing that in the name of Martin Luther King, Jr., who would have repudiated the very idea--and he would have the "woke" ideology of Critical Race Theory, which promotes racial discrimination against Whites! Lori had lots to say and we had a lively discussion with several callers. Wishing everyone a weekend with those they care about and love, because we do not know how much time we have left.

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