Virus Isolation...Is it Real? - Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds to Jeremy Hammond

1 year ago

On Jan 17, Dr. Mercola featured an interview (not by Mercola) with an independent journalist named Jeremy Hammond at the top of an article at his website. Hammond attacked the medical people (Hammond has no medical/science credentials himself) who are pointing out the basic flaw that lies at the heart of what is called modern virology and named Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Jon Rappoport specifically.
Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammonds recent article that alleges that Sars Covid II has been isolated. Point by point, Kaufman debunks Hammond s explanation of how a virus is isolated.
The definitions, the science and technology behind isolation and purification, the methodology being used by scientists, and the agenda by governmental agencies are examined with the appropriate corrections. Hammond s argument is the same old one trick pony being trotted out with pomp, circumstance, and pedigree.
The main issue that lies at the heart of the viral infection scam is the fact that proper isolation of specific viruses and showing that they cause specific diseases has never been done.
Here is Kaufman s response that he published today, Jan 19, 2022. (59:13)
Also HERE:

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