Desa Fnf Mod Song For DBXV2: Darkness And Blood

2 years ago

This is my video recorded with AZ Screen Recorder. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link:

so hey guys I don't have a mic anymore except for my headphone mic which is bad, and I plan on getting a new one soon. so yeah this is my theme song for my YouTube identity called darkness and blood. I saw Coryxkenshin Upload His "Retirement" Explanation Video and He Said This Quote "You Are Your Greatest Cheerleader, and Critique. DON'T Put Limits To What you can do. Cause There Are None". That Holds True For Me CAUSE, I Put Limits On MYSELF When I shouldn't. I Have Done wrong Thing's That I Am Not Proud Of. And I Shouldn't Be Afraid To admit to Things I Have Done wrong. I Shouldn't lie, Cheat, Or Steal. I realized, That I take My life for Granted, When Obviously I Should Never Do That. I'll Be Truthful Right Here, and Say I'm Not A Great Person, When I Hurt Others And Don't Stop harassing And Using People. I'm Imperfect Just like Cell. But When U Put In HARD Work into fixing YOUR HUMAN Errors, You find Your Own Perfect form. That's Me, Desa. Hope you Guys/Gals Are Doing Alright, And I'm Glad To be Here And See My audience Support Me Dispite My Failures, Wrong doings, Incorrections, And Fuck ups ONLY Too Learn and Try to Change. I have To Change, Or Else My Limits And Fuck UPS Will Hurt Me And Other's. Thank U ALL So Much for Sticking with My, Horrendous, humiliating, Disgusting Personality.
I WILL CHANGE FOR ALL OF YOU! enjoy, My Theme Song.

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